Lots Of Excellent Credit Card Advice Everyone Should Know
It can be dangerous to use bank cards; you may have heard warnings about overspending, paying high interest or borrowing too much. If used properly charge cards can benefit users on many levels including rewards and perks, convenience and peace of mind. This article will provide you with information about making sound financial decisions with your credit cards.
Credit Card
Before canceling a credit card and closing your account, ensure you understand how canceling it affect your credit. Many times closing an account can lower your credit score and will show up negatively on your credit report. In addition, keep the oldest credit card accounts open because a major factor in your overall credit score is the length of time since credit was established.
Speak with the credit card company right after you see a charge on your statement that you did not make. By doing this, you can help your credit card company catch the thief who is making these unauthorized charges. It’s also the most efficient way to limit the liability you face for the incurred charges. Fraudulent charges can usually be reported by making a phone call or sending an email to the credit card company.
Never let anyone else use a credit card that is in your name. A close friend may need something, but it isn’t a smart idea to lend them yours. There are other ways to help a friend or family member in need other than allowing them to borrow your card.
Monitor your credit score. Good credit is considered to be a credit score over 700. Establish your credit so that you can obtain and keep that level. With a credit score of at least 700, you will receive the lowest interest rates and best credit offers.
Talk to your bank about lowering interest rates. If they will not do so, it might be time to shop for a new card. After you locate a company that offers a rate you like, open an account with them and transfer your balance over to it.
If you have a credit card, do not pay for your purchases right after you make them. All you have to do is wait for a statement to come, and pay that balance. This shows a good payment history and enhances your credit score as well.
Charge Cards
As you can see from the above tips and techniques, charge cards offer a myriad of benefits. From offering financial flexibility to repaying you with rewards, charge cards can be a helpful, enjoyable part of your life. Use the knowledge you gained to manage your credit card, and build good credit.