Credit Card Tips That Will Help You
Wisely using a credit card can help you get free rewards, like a paid-for vacation, for example. Other folks who do not use their charge cards wisely just charge their vacation to their cards and come home to the stressful bill. If you want to reap the benefits of proper credit card use, this article will help you learn the basics.
Retain a sales receipt when making online purchases with your card. Keep the receipt in a secure location, and when your credit card bill arrives, check that the online retailer charged you the right amount for the item that you purchased. File a dispute if you were overcharged as soon as you discover it. This helps ensure that you never get overcharged for your purchases.
Credit Card
Everyone gets credit card offers in the mail. You open your mail to find another credit card offer. Often times you won’t be interested in getting a new credit card right them. Don’t just throw this mail away, shred or rip it up. These solicitations often contain sensitive personal information, so it is a mistake to toss them away without ripping them up.
Have a list of your credit card numbers as well as lender’s emergency phone numbers. Keep your list in a safe place that is separate from your cards. If you were to get robbed or lose your cards, this list can come in handy.
Experts recommend that the limits on your charge cards shouldn’t be any more than 75% of what your monthly salary is. If your balance is more than you earn in a month, try to pay it off as quickly as you can. This becomes critical because the interest charges will continue to push your balances higher and higher.
Interest Rates
Talk to your bank about lowering interest rates. If, after you have talked with their retention team, they won’t do this, then you should start shopping around and find a company that offers better interest rates. After you find it, transfer your debt to the new card.
See if your credit card issuer is willing to lower your interest rate. If you have built a positive relationship with the company, they may reduce your interest rate. It does not cost anything to ask and can save to a lot of money in the end.
Even cards without rewards, points, and perks that apply to vacations can better your life. People that are not smart about using their cards will be happy temporarily, but that will not last once the debt piles up. Use the information here to decide which group you belong to.